Thursday, February 23, 2023


If you are not already signed up to use Canva- GO DO IT NOW!

The presentation that I used to walk students through the process is at the bottom- along with a link to the template.

Canva is one of the most versatile programs and there are so many reasons to use it.  I use Canva on almost a daily basis for so many reasons. This week I had a chance to collaborate with one of my teachers. (Spencer.. like all the teachers at my school.. is amazing!)

Canva can be used as an app or in a browser on an iPad, Chromebook, desktop.

There were several TEKS that were covered-this was one:

Apply desktop publishing to create products using word processing programs, editing products, or drawing programs; design elements such as text, graphics, headlines, color, white space; typography concepts, including font size and style; and graphic design concepts such as contrast, alignment, repetition, and proximity;

After chatting with the teacher, we decided that we would have students create #FirstLineFridays using Canva.

The Main Points of this Lesson:
-Having students take the time to read the first line of a book- there are some really boring first lines out there-sorry authors. Students could choose ANY book- and some even chose a Graphic Novel or Manga.
-Once they had their book they then had to read the inside book cover and decide on the Tone and Mood- we talked about how that will change our font, background, and color choices
-Students then used the Instagram Story template in Canva to create these
-We talked about how these will be shared on social media- no one wants to watch a Reel on Instagram or a TikTok that is over 30 seconds long- so we talked about how to change the length of the videos

There were 2 products of this lesson:
-A finished #FirstLineFriday promo created in Canva
-A CER about why they chose the book and also why they chose the different design elements.

Other Great outcomes from this lesson:
-Students checked out books
-I had products that I can use on our various social media sites
-A chance to collaborate with a teacher 
-For the most part- students were engaged and were able to create great products!
-It was also a great lesson for students to check their spelling and capitalization of words.  You would think copying is an easy task- but proofreading is important

This is the presentation that I used to guide the lesson (also made in Canva)- Would you like to use this presentation for yourself- here is the Template

First Line Friday by akbusybee

March in the Library

February was a whirlwind! I didn't make it to TCEA- thanks to the ice storm that stretched from Dallas all the way to San Antonio.  Although I was bummed about TCEA, I know that NTTBF and TLA are just around the corner!

March is another busy month with lots of different things in store (along with spring break!)

This March I am planning

-Read Across America
-Open House Activity
-Promoting North Texas Teen Book Festival
-New Displays
-Taking 2 teams to the Lonestar Finals for Destination ImagiNation
-Senior Pictures

Read Across America

Read Across America is a great time to promote reading, but sometimes that gets a little harder when it comes to middle school and high school.  You can find what I did last year here

I have a confession- I am using the same Read Across America ideas and tweaking them just a little bit.  These high schoolers haven't seen it before... right? I do love dress-up days, but my mind was busy with Destination ImagiNation- so, maybe next year.  You can find the template here

I will also be making daily social media posts with this information.  You can find those templates here

For Thursday, March 2nd- Read Across America Day- I am going to host a Hot Chocolate and storytime before school starts.  I have started doing these about once a month.. the students humor me and stop in, but I think they secretly enjoy the story and hot chocolate.

Open House Activity

March 1st is our Open House. I always like having a fun and simple STEM activity.  I am reusing this idea as well, but it has been one of my faves (it is also super easy setup and creating!)

We are going to do Hoop Gliders and then challenge students to see whose glider can go the farthest. 

Materials Needed:
-ruler if wanted

North Texas Teen Book Festival
If you are in the DFW area, I would HIGHLY encourage you to check out the North Texas Teen Book Festival.  I have written about this festival several times- because honestly, it is the reason that I became a librarian.  You can find information on their website There are SO many amazing authors... and.. it is FREE!! You pay for parking, food (it is credit card only) and books if you want to buy (which you will want too because the authors sign them!)  It is a day full of author panels, conversing with students, book signings.. and just a day of amazing books.

I have a group of students that are helping with the countdown- Look for us on Day 4 until North Texas Teen Book Festival on their social media.

New Displays
I have been doing a weekly vote outside the library- currently, the vote is favorite kind of pizza. I think for Read Across America I am going to do favorite type of book.
-March Mammal Madness- I saw this from a TikTok- and now I am trying to convince my Biology teachers to do it with me.  You can find it here
-Women's History Month
-North Texas Teen Book Festival

I will post pics of my displays once I am done with them.  You can find my libraryland Instagram at @beeinthebookends

Destination ImagiNation Lonestar Finals
I am ending my month taking 2 teams to the Lonestar Finals for Destination ImagiNation.  In my spare time, I am a DI team manager and also a Girl Scout Leader.  I am SUPER proud of all of my teams.  
I took 4 teams to Mid-Cities Regional Tournament and all walked away with medals with 2 advancing to state.

The Nerdy Birdys- I have been hanging out with them since they were in 3rd grade- and now they are Seniors! They are an Improv group and will be going to state at the end of March

The PEEPS is another group that I have been hanging out with since they were in 3rd grade and now they are Juniors.  They didn't make it to state but still did an amazing in their Fine Arts challenge.

The E.L.V.E.S. was my FIRST team from my new school- they did AMAZING.. and placed second in their challenge.  Check out the website they created

The Flock is the combined team of the Nerdy Birdys and the PEEPS.  They placed 1st and are headed to state as well.

I am super proud of all these teams and what they did (I also shed a couple of tears when I realized that was the last time for my Nerdy Birdys to have a regional tournament)

I also love a selfie- and check out this pic that the photographer caught at awards.

Senior Pictures

I love taking pictures.. I am not a professional, but I am not too bad. I am offering senior pictures to our students- a headshot and some candids.

So far these two books have been my favorite reads of February.


Of course, spring break is in this month too.  I am helping with robotics, planting trees with my Girl Scout Troop for Keep Irving Beautiful, and picking up a few hours of lifeguarding.