Tuesday, July 16, 2024

My Top 3 From 2023-2024

I realize that I am only about 2 weeks away from another school year- and my blog suffered at the end of the year... BUT before a new year gets started I wanted to reflect on last year.

Last years blog at the end of the year was about thing I would continue - you can find that here

I don't know what I am going to continue this year, because I will be at a new campus that will have different needs.

I know that I will continue to collaborate with all content areas.  I also know that I will have a welcome back activity- Think Reading Rainbow!  I also know that I will continue to be my quirky self that makes terrible TikToks and makes sure everyone is welcome in the library!

Number 1

Collaborating with my amazing art teacher and creating paper Alebrijes.  This was a great way to share our premium resources, collaborating with teacher, providing a space and a place for students to be creative.  You can find the whole blog here------->BLOG

Number 2

Eagle's Nest Storytime! It is so important for a librarian to understand their community.  My past community had a handful of new or soon to be young parents.  I took this opportunity to create a practice storytime.  We talked about how to read with their child, where to find resources and ways to pick books.  We also sang songs and did practice crafts.

Number 3

Viral Ghost Programming.  Anytime I can get staff involved and students- I am for it.  Even better.. the LAUGHS that were had.   You can find the whole blog HERE------>BLOG

I don't know what this next year will bring.  I know I am nervous- but I also know that my word this next year is Adventure!

Monday, March 18, 2024

National Library Week, Texas Library Association Conference, and Eagle's Nest Oh My!

 It might be the middle of March, but I am already looking at my calendar and thinking about ALL the different things that are on my to-do list for the next two and a half months.

Like many of us, I have lots on that list!

First Up:

National Library Week

Working in a High School I am always looking for different ways to engage the students and staff. I am doing some repeats from the last couple of years, but I also have a few new things up my sleeve. You can find lots of ideas and information from the ALA Website I took some of their days and created my own.

You can find the CANVA TEMPLATE HERE--------->

Library Week 2024 by akbusybee

Since the 8th the theme is Right to Read and also Total Solar Eclipse- I am going to have an easy bookmark for students to make.  Our area is in the path of totality.

Materials Needed:
-Yellow Paper

Tuesday- National Library Worker Day- The Cardwell Library is stuck on our staff and students so I will have free water bottle stickers for people that stop by.
Wednesday- Library Outreach- I will be passing out free books and bookmarks
Thursday- Take Action for Libraries- I am going to invite people to write something they are thankful for on Post it Notes
Friday- I am going to do a Bookface Friday

Now- I hope that people participate, but I also know it is a hit or miss.  Most importantly- I have discovered that the more consistent that I am the more participation there is. 

With the end of National Library Week I have a Destination ImagiNation team going to state.. and then I roll into the Texas Library Association Conference

Texas Library Association Conference
I have already planned out a tentative schedule ready to go, but there are SO many amazing sessions!
I am pretty excited that I also get to share on Tuesday morning for Beyond the Books: Community-Driven Secondary Library Programming.  I am also working on setting up a modified Book Basket Exchange.  I know when we go to conferences we get a ton of new books, but the idea behind the book exchange is each person brings their favorite read from the last year, a bookmark that goes with it along with a small trinket.  Are you going to TLA and interested in participating?  Fill out the form here---> https://bit.ly/txla24bookexchange

Are you attending TLA? What sessions are you looking forward to? One of my favorite part of any conference is learning from others, meeting people that you have connected with through social media, and recharging yourself.

Right after TLA is the North Texas Teen Book Festival.  Another favorite day of mine! If you have not heard of NTTBF- be sure to check out this free event.

The Eagle's Nest
One of the things I love about being a librarian is working with all different students.  As the years have gone by the students have changed along with their needs.  In my current role, I have a handful of students that are either parents or soon to be parents.  Reading is such an important skill and we all know that reading starts young and at home.  I have created The Eagle's Nest as a monthly story time for these new parents. 
During this time I have stuffed animals that we use as the children.  We talk about how to interact with your child, how to pick out books, and how to read to your child.  I also share the resources that our district has along with the resources that Irving Public Library has.  During this time we also do a practice story time.  The last one we had was all about spring.  During the story time we did a song, read a book, practiced reading a book and also a hand print craft.  I sent home with each student a kit for their own handprint craft, a book and also a print out of the song and how to choose books.

I held the first two during the school day, but plan to hold the next one after school so the students can bring their kiddos with them.  I am also so happy that I did the practice handprint craft, because I forget that we need to teach all the things.  The next week I had one of the students share a video of her doing the handprint craft with her 8 month old. 

I can't wait to see this program grow!

What are some of your favorite programs?  What are you most excited about this spring semester?

I know this blog was chock full of information, and my days are going to continue to stay long!  Did I mention that this is only April?

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Read Across America Week- High School

It has been a minute since I have had a chance to share what is going on in the library.  January tends to always be such a wash (and we had some crazy weather) and in February I live and breathe Destination ImagiNation.  

But- if you are looking at a calendar you know that the first week of March is Read Across America Week. 

Being in High School Read Across America Week looks a little different (and participation always varies) Each day I have a different activity that students can do- BUT.. this time I have added in prizes!  

Prizes- chips/candy bars/possibly a soda- High schoolers love food.. and we have some good sales going on right now at my local store.

Ways students can get their name in the drawing:
-check out an eBook or Audiobook- all of our students have devices- so all they have to do is show me what they borrowed
-check out a physical book
-enter into the Bookmark Contest
-come to my Hot Chocolate Storytime 
-leave a review of any book

Each day I am posting on social media about Read Across America Week. You can find my daily posts here-----> CANVA LINK (thanks Canva!)


RAA24 by akbusybee

I also have a bookmark contest going on and you can find the Template for that here

RAA24 Bookmark contest by akbusybee

One more treat:
Last month we had Shannon McClintock Miller come to our library meeting and of course, I got SO many ideas!! I have started doing a monthly choice board that shares our resources.
Here is my March board- you can make a copy here------>

This is one of my slides on my TV that is outside the library and also printed and on my circulation desk.  

 I am always looking for ways to connect with my students and share our premium resources and reading.  My next blog is about the new program I just started- The Eagle's Nest.

What do you do for Read Across America Week? I am now also a Student Council Sponsor and next year I think I am going to have my kids help plan some dress-up days for Read Across America Week (if you are in high school... you know how much they love a reason to wear pajamas!)

Friday, October 20, 2023

Viral Ghost Programming

 Y'all October is ROUGH! You can probably talk to anyone in education right now.. and they will more than likely say the same thing.

I don't know if I have talked about TikTok much, but it is one of my favorite outlets.  Of course, my algorithm is a ton of library videos, animals, and dad jokes.  Right now my algorithm is all about ghostly activities.  

I have 2 big programs this month:
For the materials and templates for the directions and signs I created for these events- scroll to the bottom
-Thrifted Ghost Painting with staff
-Ghostly Photoshoot with staff and students

Have you seen the Thrift Store Ghost Painting? Look up the hashtag #thriftedghostpainting for some inspiration.  I knew that this would be a SUPER easy activity that I could easily do with my staff. I also got the inspiration from one of my Facebook Groups from Sharon Autry

Not everyone has time to go shopping at a thrift store- but I happen to know an awesome one down the street from me.  I headed to Irving Thrift I found several pieces that I could use.  I also found some AMAZING photos at the National Gallery of Art which has over 50000 items of downloadable art (there are over 1800 pages- I went to the very end of the gallery and worked backward to find the actual photographs)  The images are also in the public domain- what a great topic to talk about with our staff and I can't wait to use them again (I am already thinking of Star Wars Day!) 

I invited teachers to bring snacks- but thanks to TikTok I found some SUPER easy snacks to share as well. I decorated cups to look like Jack-O-Lanterns and added a scoop of ice cream, orange soda, and some whipped cream. I also had Monster Munch I also had some worms and dirt.

Overall the event was super successful and teachers enjoyed painting and relaxing for a bit.

My students eventually find my TikTok (I am not sure how.. I have a very niche TikTok) and ask to be in one. I personally do not allow students or kids to be in my videos because the algorithm is super weird. However, another TikTok trend is going around that they can hop on!
I purchased a package of Queen size sheets from Amazon and am inviting students and staff for a photo opp (note- I am doing only a set a day- so washing every evening!)
Let me tell you about the joy and the LAUGHS that have happened with this. This is one of my Destination ImagiNation teams.

Materials List
-paint brushes (from Michael's- love their Teacher Discount!)
-paint (also from Michael's)
-Thrifted paintings or print images

My students are also asking me for the next Hot Chocolate and Storytime Day.. AND.. a Book Fair.  Both of those are coming up!

Ghost Painting/Trends by akbusybee

What have you done in the library that has been successful? I am always looking for ideas! 
Rachael and I also created a Haunted Texas Wakelet- take a look... if you dare!

Monday, September 18, 2023

Hispanic Heritage Month- Alebrijes

Happy Hispanic Heritage Month! I am always looking for ways to engage my students and collaborate with teachers!

Our campus celebrated International Dot Day on September 14th (we didn't have school on Friday). I used this opportunity to collaborate with my art teacher!

The Plan:
-Read The Dot by Peter Reynolds and talked about the importance of making your mark
-learned about Pedro Linares and Alebrijes
-took a quiz to see which Alebrijes would be your imaginary friend
-created paper Alebrijes

I created a Wakelet that had the resources that we used for the lesson. You can find the Wakelet here

Shared this video about Pedro Linares

I am all about sharing our premium resources- and Gale in Context High School had a fun quiz!

When collaborating with my art teacher we found this great website that had paper Alebrijes.  There were a couple of templates on there, but my art teacher created even more.  

While talking with the students we talked about what Alebrijes usually includes 3 out of the 4 elements- air, water, earth, and fire. 

-printed templates on different color cardstock
-invited students to choose an animal and set of wings
-put out gel pens and markers for students to decorate
-click on the LINK to force copy the template Thanks to Kathy's Art Project Ideas and Layla Day for the templates

Once completed they make great additions to the library! I have leftover templates in the library for students to do since not all students came through the library for art class.

Alebrijes Templates by akbusybee

I am always looking for a collaborative project! I am already talking to my art teacher about a project in October- and I am SOOOO excited about the project that Rachael and I are working on!  

What are you doing for Hispanic Heritage Month?

Thursday, September 7, 2023

September in the Library

We are just ending our fourth week of school- and of course, it has been busy! Wanted to share what we have going on so far.

In this blog you will find:
-weekly voting
-Loyalty Card
-International Literacy Day
-Dot Day

Weekly Voting
Thanks to @grahamlibrarian for the idea for this last year.  Thanks to the TikTok by TheJaySalazar

-Are there more wheels than doors in this world?
-Is a hot dog a sandwich?
-Is a taco a sandwich?

Loyalty Card

Amanda Hunt (@thenextgenlib) shared her loyalty card program. I loved it.. but gave it my own spin.  I also added attending events (such as my Hot Chocolate.. and upcoming Book Fair.. or any other event that I might have.  You can find my template here  I also just printed it off in cardstock and cut it apart.

International Literacy Day-September 8th

Before school and during lunch I am also going to have a cart of books that students will be able to take to celebrate International Literacy Day.
International Literacy Day is September 8th and I am working with my RLA teachers.  I am going to go into classrooms to read Last Stop on Market Street by Matt del la Pena
We had a GREAT training before started with Maria Walther of Ramped Up Read Aloud

Last stop on market street by akbusybee 

Dot Day
One of my favorite days is International Dot Day! Next week I am having morning events all week.  You can find my blog here

I have activities planned for every morning.. and I am also working with my Art Teacher

Since September 15th also begins Hispanic Heritage month we are going to do a lesson over the importance of making your mark (to go along with Dot Day)

I am reading The Dot by Peter Reynolds and then we are going to learn about Pedro Linares and Alebrijes.  Many Alebrijes have dots on them- so what better way to talk about making your mark, learning about an artist and also collaborating! I am going to create a Wakelet that leads students back to our premium resources about Pedro Linares.  We are then going to make our own paper Alebrijes.  We go this idea from Kathy's Art Projects- but my art teacher is creating her own.

What are you celebrating in September?  I am already planning October.. and one of them being an actual book club and some really cool collaboration!

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Dot Day 2023

Before I even became a librarian- Dot Day was one of my most FAVORITE days to celebrate.

What is Dot Day? Dot Day is based on The Dot by Peter Reynolds.  Thanks to Terry Shay- Dot Day was born 20 years ago when the book came out!  Every year International Dot Day is celebrated on September 15th ish.  

You can search the tag #dotday but also check out the website with lots of different ideas and ways to connect.  International Dot Day

I love a good picture book- and The Dot has the best message about how you can make your mark!

Although we are not celebrating Dot Day until September- I wanted to share what we are planning on doing.

Even though I am in High School- I still like a good theme (and the kids do too.. they just might not tell you.. and even a side eye means they are paying attention)

Background on my school:
-9-12 High School
-Title 1 (not that it should matter)
-I am a smaller school though- about 300 students

I have decided this year I am going to do an activity every morning for students to participate in. Students are able to come into the library before school starts- I do allow eating in the library for breakfast and lunch- with the expectation that they pick up and clean up.

Once an activity is complete for that day-students will still be able to do it throughout the week.  The station directions/signs will be at the bottom of this post for you to use.

I am going to have coloring sheets out for students to make a mural.
I have big glass windows so will be hanging them up as they get created.

One year The Dot sent out some wooden coins to people.  I am going to invite students to create their own design that has a power word- or a design that reminds them how to make their mark.  Once a design is created we will put it into the Glowforge and print out wooden coins.
I am looking at purchasing this wood for the project- Amazon Link

Students will be able to continue to do the Glowforge and color- but this morning I am adding in Kandinsky Art- I love this idea from this blog- but I plan to do it with construction paper and glue.  We will also post them on one of my clear bulletin boards (that I am going to put a gold border around) I found this Gold Border on Amazon that is going to be perfect
For the station information on this day- I plan to also have a QR code that goes back to one of our databases that talks about the artist Kandinsky.
Where I plan to store the artwork- will be giving it a gold frame

We are going to use Ozobots.  I am going to invite students to make their own path and choose ways they are going to make their mark in school, home, life, and work. This is my current idea for the Ozobots- but real talk- it is still in the works (I have several students helping me on this one)

This will be the official Dot Day!  Last year we did hot chocolate and story time.  This will be our first one of the year.  I plan to read The Dot and possibly another book about the importance of making your mark. I of course provide marshmallows as well.

Station Signs- TEMPLATE LINK

Share- Dot Day 2023 Week by akbusybee 

I am also collaborating with my art teacher to do a project for that day as well.

My next blog will be my plan for September.
Are you planning anything for Dot Day?