Sunday, March 8, 2020


5 Years! North Texas Teen Book Festival has been going on for 5 Years!
I remember going to the very first one.  You can find the whole blog here.  #NTTBF15 was where I really decided that becoming a librarian was what I wanted to do next. Who knew that 5 years later I would be on my second year of taking a bus full of kids!

This year I got to attend the Educator Day the day before the festival... and OMG.. it was the BEST DAY EVER!
3 years before I turned 40, I made a #40by40 list of things I wanted to do before I turned 40. I turned 40 and I knew that I wanted to make another list of  #50by50 things I wanted to do.  #36 on that list was to meet my most favorite author! I LOVE Pam Munoz Ryan  I remember during one of my classes to become a teacher I had to work with a small group of students during reading class.  I used Riding Freedom and have loved using her books ever since. Working in a Title 1 school where our population is mostly Hispanic, her books resonate with my students.  Another of my favorites was Echo where 3 stories intertwined with each other.  In other words... I LOVE all of her books.   One of the amazing creators of NTTBF (and used to be the librarian where I am now!) Rose Brock made it possible for me to check off #36 from my list!  I almost cried when I met her. I know that in my first picture I look crazy, because I am in total giddy fangirl mode! Thank you Pam Munoz-Ryan for your kind words and wonderful presentation.

The rest of this blog is going to be chock full of pictures (selfies) and twitter handles to all the amazing authors and people that I met on both Educator Day and the actual festival day.  It is one thing to read books by these authors, but another to listen to them speak.  I love that every one of these authors were so open about about their own background and it made it such a safe place for teens and adults to ask questions.  Our teens have very diverse backgrounds with different beliefs in and understandings of who they should be and how they should act.  They don't know who they are yet and they don't want to be wrong...and all of these authors took time to really listen to the questions that were asked about the books, but also the underlying questions that kids were really asking of how to be a person.  Kids these days have hard roads of trying to figure out who they are but also to be safe.  I LOVE that books and libraries offer spaces for students to be and love whoever they want to be.  I hope as a librarian they know that I am on their side and here for them... that I can help them find that safe space when they are not for sure of anything else in their life. Each author continually said that I hope these books help students realize they can be whoever they want to be and can see themselves in the pages when sometimes they don't even see themselves in the mirror.

The Line for Ed Day- okay- I might have gotten there at 6:45am and the line didn't open until 7:30.. and I might have been the first person to sign in for Region 10
Loved listening to Ally Carter about writing
Listening to The Angie Thomas

First Panel- Laughter is the Best Medicine with Jessica Kim, Lance Rubin and Mike Johnston

Swoony Reads with Aminah Mae Safi, Mackenzi Lee and Leah Johnson

Telling our stories with Robin Ha, George Johnson, Gabby Rivera and moderator Raina Telgemeir

So... I sort of nabbed this selfie with Raina.. and then with an awesome photobomb of Pam Munoz-Ryan!

Rick's Picks with Carlos Hernandez, Kwame Mbalia, and Roshani Chokshi

Ended the day listening to Neal Shusterman

Thriller Nights- with Mintie Das, Tiffany Jackson, Maureen Johnson, Karen McManus, Rory Power, and Neal Shusterman with Irving ISD Librarian moderator 

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Read them with Stuart Gibbs, Gordon Korman, Jenny Lee, Andy Runton, and Mackenzi Lee

Once upon a Retelling with Jen Calonita, Roshani Chokshi, Jenny Lee, Marissa Meyer, Rory Power, and Kiersten White 

Favorite part of each panel- the kids that look up to these authors who are true heroes.. and they have a chance to get their questions answered!

Free books I picked up! I have added SO many books to my Goodreads account and book order!

You know I love a photo opportunity!

#36 checked!
What an amazing two days!  I always strive to be a better librarian (I mean.. if I am not always learning and trying new things.. am I in the right position?)  The educator day gave me so many more ideas on how to inspire and connect with my students.  I might not understand what they are going through.. but with having diverse books with diverse characters (from color, gender, love, to life) I know that I can connect with them on some level.  I can't WAIT to share some of these books with students and continue to make the library a space where ALL students know they are welcome and belong!

Had to share my favorite story and picture of the day
-Found one of my students who was in the hallway.. and I asked her why she hadn't been checking in (we were checking in through Google Classroom)  This is also a kiddo that is an avid Tik Tok user. Her reason.. Mrs. Keller- We haven't been on our phone because we are having so much fun!!!

Favorite picture of the day:
-I have a friend that asked for recommendations of books for her son to read.  I recommended Stuart Gibbs and he ate them up.  The kiddo even made it to the festival! I ran into him at one the panels and he was sitting behind me.  I took a selfie and sent to mom because said kiddo is deep into the book.  at the end of the session I turn around to check on said kiddo and I fangirled again as I found I had more people that had snuck in behind me! If You see the arrow.. kiddo is still reading while I am listening to a panel and fangirling.  Thanks Robin Ha, Raina and Maia Kobabe for indulging me in a picture.
I already have Publish a Book on my #50by50... but I think I am going to add to it that I want to be on a NTTBF panel.. might have to start with just moderating a panel!

Thank you again organizers for the absolutely AMAZING 2 days and authors for all of your work and stories that you shared! This librarian heart is so happy and full! Want to see other conversation check out Twitter and Instagram #NTTBF20 or #NTTBF

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