Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Ready, Set, Vote

September 17th was the official Voter Registration day, and working in a High School we have the chance to ensure our Seniors are able to vote!

Last year I had a chance to listen to Lucy Podmore about ideas for a Freedom Walk that she did with her school. You can find more information here---->LINK

I then also was able to attend a great webinar put on by ALA over Reader. Voter. Ready that had a ton of great information. 

The planning then began. Working closely with the two other amazing high school librarians we came up with a plan that could be in person, but also be passive depending on availability of the librarian at the campus.  

The materials shared here were created by Kathleen Basoco, Andrea Keller, and Jessica Ross

Our overall goal for this was to offer simple programming that would educate and promote voting.  

When looking at resources, it was also important that we made sure materials that were as nonpartisan as possible. 

We created a Wakelet that holds all of our information.  Each of our campuses has a TV that is in front of the library, so one of the slides is a QR code to this Wakelet.  I also have a slide of a brief history of voting that Kathleen created showing as well.  

Each of our campuses has different needs, so we are doing the activities to fit the needs of our own school community.

A couple of my favorite things from our materials:
-The Educaplay games that Kathleen created
-The Genially games that Jessica created

My Plan

Our campus has three lunches.  Seniors are able to eat their lunch in the courtyard.  Although Fall is next week, Texas still thinks it is the middle of the summer, so the weather is still nice (aka hot)  I am working with our Student Council to help man the different stations.  Here is my plug for student council... if you have a student council on your campus- partner with them! They need points for different things- so I give them an idea and they run with it.

Social Media post shared on our Instagram/X accounts


-I Side With quiz for students to see how they are politically alligned

-Voting Vocabulary Matching station- voting vocabulary words- old school memory (found this on TPT)

-Election Timeline station- this is one where students can use the cards in order for voting timeline (found this on TPT)

-A station that is a book display and QR codes that lead to different virtual games and activities that include matching representatives, filling out a sample ballot, when can you vote for different officials and more.  This will also become a display in the library after our event on Thursday and Friday.  You can find most of the games inside the Wakelet below.

-Possible Voter Registration.  We have a group coming later to do this as well- but might be able to also have it on campus.

Are you in High School and working on voter information? What do you have planned? Do you have a favorite website to share? We also are using this time to talk about bias and where information comes from- another great way to talk digital citizenship.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Mums the Word

The saying in Texas- Everything is Bigger.  During Homecoming Season- the big thing is the mums!
Just take a moment to search up Homecoming Mums on Instagram and you will see what I mean.
Lots of pictures in this blog to share how I did the Mum station.

I mean- check out our own Big Vik ready for homecoming this weekend.
This is my first year at a new school.. and I wasn't going to do anything except have a station on Thursday that would have hot glue and safety pins for students to use.... but then I saw the TikTok for the Croc Mum.. and then the Stanley Cup Mum.. and I knew that I had to make it happen.

Background on my school:
-we are one of 5 high schools
-there are over 2300 students from 9-12

Background on this program:
-although I have some budget money-it is only available at certain times so I did not use library budget for this program
-Although we have 2300 students- my goal was to have 200 come through
-I was able to get materials by purchasing myself and also I had an Amazon list that I shared so I had donors help
-I am running this program only from 8:00am-8:35am before school starts

Being a Girl Scout leader and some experience under my belt- I create different spaces to pick up materials.  Thanks to my amazing clerk Franco and the yearbook advisor Robison I had plenty of ribbon that was cut out!

When students enter the library I usually have a Google Form for them to fill out.  But, I wanted to capture a little bit more information this time (and also prepare for future programs)
I had students sign in on paper with their Name/Grade Level and then check off if they wanted to do a Stanley Mum or a Croc Mum

Each area had a bucket with certain materials in it.  I also counted and have a spreadsheet of materials so I can keep track (and also document who donated)

-3 inch and 2 inch flowers
-cardstock circles cut to about 1 1/2 inch to 2 1/2 inch depending on which flower was chosen
-blue ribbon in various widths cut to 5 inches
-white ribbon in various widths cut to 5 inches
-specialty ribbon in various widths cut to 5 inches
-chains cut to 5 inches
-various charms

Not everything was purchased and my parents also purchased some things from Hobby Lobby

At each bucket was also a sign for how much materials you needed.  I would LOVE to provide so much more.. but I want to get as many students as I can.  Students can of course take their mum home and add more to it.

-1 flower
-1 cardstock circle
-2 blue ribbons
-2 white ribbons
-1 specialty ribbon
-1 chain
-1 charm
-1 ribbon for loop or one button for croc

Once students had their materials they headed to the creation station where there was hot glue and also staplers.

Students stapled the ribbon to the cardstock first and then hotglued the flower (I did have them cut a slit in the cardstock for the flower)
They then either added the croc button or the loop for the straw.

Also I had one friend make our logo out of shrinky dinks!

The below Canva designs are what I used for intros and also station signs.

Homecoming Mums 2024 by ANDREA KELLER

Our first day I only had 8 students.. but it is also my first program and kiddos are warming up to me.  I also had some students try to come in at 8:37am which would have made them late for class.  On Wednesday I will also open up to staff.  Today I also had another parent stop by and bring more ribbon... AND cut it for me! 

This week I am also having the Senior LIFE students to come and create their own mini mum.  They will follow the same directions as the students but will have Student Council support them.

I am in love with how they look.. and they don't take that much material!

I have also shared on Reels and Tiktok how to make these under @akbusybee

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Today a Reader-Tomorrow a Leader

I can't believe that we are already on the 5th week of school.  I am averaging about 4 miles a day in the library, and I LOVE how busy it stays!

About my library:

-9th-12th grade
-over 230 staff
-over 2000 students

What a great month it has been.  I will be real honest- at the end of last year I was in a funk. I had not read any books, was not super interested in creating, and felt defeated.  

The first week of school I was working late (I don't drive home in the evenings when I work my water aerobics job- easier to just stay at work) and loved hearing the sounds of the AcDec team already preparing for the year ahead, and then I heard the library door open and close. I peaked out my office to find the cheerleaders hanging up signs that promoted the library!


My big goal this six weeks is to students and classes into the library.  The library I am currently in has 3 different sections.  There is time for a library to be quiet, but there is also lots of time for a library to have movement, noise and collaboration.  Because this library is such a large space I have a Google spreadsheet that allows each section to be used. There have already been several times where I have had 1 or 2 classes in the library at the same time.


With this being a comprehensive campus, it allows for more opportunities for the library to be used in different capacities that supports all students and content areas.

Our campus has a floral department that includes a floral practicum class. I am the first to say- Displays are NOT my forte- give me something digital- and I can do it. Outside our library is two large display glass display cases.  The practicum teacher approached me at the beginning of the year and let me know that her students had done the cases in the past.  I was elated, but then asked- do I get to see a prototype of what it looks like? With that question this became more of a project that the students could collaborate on and I became the "client"

Students were:

-Divided into groups and told the theme of the cases (and one bulletin board)
-Students were given a day to come up with a drawing of what they wanted to do for the case
-Students came back in and presented to me their idea for the board
As the client- I chose 3 different displays out of about 6 (and that was hard! They all did a good job of presenting)
-The group that was chosen was in charge of the display and put the rest of the class to work
-Not only did they do the display they had to do research to see what books they could include in the display as well
-Once they were done with they came back at day later and I shared my comments/concerns as a client with the display. (also- the displays were amazing- I just had to remind students that when you are working for a client- they notice EVERYTHING)

Upcoming Programs in September

Croc Mum/Stanley Cup Mum making
We are in Texas and Mums are a big deal! With homecoming right around the corner I wanted to create a program that was fairly easy to manage.  With the help of an Amazon list (and the help of my awesome clerk Tracye for cutting hundreds of ribbon!) I was able to get enough materials for about 200 croc mums or Stanley Cup Mums.  This will be a station in the library before school.  I also have the Senior LIFE students coming in to work with our Student Leadership kids this week to create mini mums for Homecoming.

Voting Activities
Thanks to a great webinar from ALA over Reader.Voter.Ready and seeing Lucy Podmore last year at TLA the High School Librarians are preparing items to have some passive and active programs that go along with voting. 

BAM (Books Anime Manga) Club
Confession- I love programming.. I love library land.. but I have not ever had a Book Club.  There is a first time for everything and this is already on my calendar- so it is happening!

Gaming Club
I really have no idea how this will look- it was a program that has been going for the past few years- I am just going to make sure the library is a space

Lessons in the Library

I have done orientation in so many different ways- but this year I made it super simple.  We are on a block schedule so it is 90 minute blocks.  I offered teachers 30 minute slots.  During orientation I introduced myself, shared some of my recent reads, talked about checking out books and accessing SORA and then let students check out.

We have some amazing premium resources.  I have already had teachers approach me about a quick introduction into accessing these resources and the reminders of citing sources.  I have also used research to do a lesson over informational texts.

An upcoming lesson is with one of our ESL classes that are using Canva to write their own children book.  We are going to work on the record feature to have students record their books.

I love all the different opportunities that this space has to offer and I can't believe that it is only September!  What are some of your favorite things you have done so far this year?

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Welcome Back to School!

Tomorrow begins my 23rd year in education and my 20th year in my district. My word this year is adventure.. and my theme is Reading Rainbow.

I got a SUPER cute shirt from Keen Bee Studios on Etsy and used Canva to create my station signs.

I am at a new school this year, but every year my goal is to get ALL staff into the library.  Sometimes teachers and staff have the misconception that the library is only for the reading/language arts department.  The library is a HUGE space that is great for any content area.. and as a librarian I can almost guarantee that I have a resource or have access to a resource that will help.  

The first week back to school for staff is a week full of professional development for staff, but usually on that Friday is when staff are working in their rooms or doing all the things they need to do to prepare for students on Monday.  Last year my theme was Library where the adventure begins and I had trail mix stations- You can find that blog HERE  This year- was reading rainbow.

A couple of things:
-My school is 9th-12th
-I have over 230 staff members
-There will be over 2000 students
-I purchased all materials myself (including the gift cards)

For this professional development week I also have a contest going on that encourages staff to follow the library on Instagram and X, check out our premium digital resources and also check out  SORA eBook.

On Friday I invited staff in to grab a cookie (thanks Sam's for being affordable.. since I also work in the evenings I did NOT have time to bake this time.. and there are LOTS more people) and then create their own wooden bead keychain.  When I do activities I try to make them easy.. not take up much time.. and something that people will use.  

I got the idea for the keychains HERE 

At the bottom of this blog you can find my Canva Template that I used for station signs.

Materials I used (and remember- I was purchasing for 200+) also.. I get no commission for these links- just sharing what I used
-Faux Leather String-LINK
-Spacer Beads- LINK
-Black wooden beads- LINK
-Navy wooden Beads- LINK
-Silver wooden beads- LINK
-Keychain hooks- LINK

The first table staff came to they signed in so I could add them to my drawing, and also cut their string. I also had cupcake liners out- because that is a super easy way to hold on the materials.

I had 56 people stop by the library JUST to make a keychain (or that is how many signed in). I know that we have over 200, but I am happy that almost 1/4 made it by.  

My other favorite thing to do at the beginning of the year is to have a First Day of School picture opportunity.  I will be at school uber early and take pics for staff (and students) that want it.  Super easy to do- and a great way to see more people!

I am SUPER excited about being at a new school (although my role this year is one school and flexible floater so I will be supporting all the schools in my district as needed) I of course my friends at my other school.. but I am also looking forward to doing things that a comprehensive high school provides.. I even drug my husband out of the house last night to go to a Vikings Rally.

What are some things you do to invite your staff into the library (also- when I say staff- I mean ALL the staff.. it takes alot of people to make a school run!)

Nimitz Library 2024-2025 Station Signs by akbusybee

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

My Top 3 From 2023-2024

I realize that I am only about 2 weeks away from another school year- and my blog suffered at the end of the year... BUT before a new year gets started I wanted to reflect on last year.

Last years blog at the end of the year was about thing I would continue - you can find that here

I don't know what I am going to continue this year, because I will be at a new campus that will have different needs.

I know that I will continue to collaborate with all content areas.  I also know that I will have a welcome back activity- Think Reading Rainbow!  I also know that I will continue to be my quirky self that makes terrible TikToks and makes sure everyone is welcome in the library!

Number 1

Collaborating with my amazing art teacher and creating paper Alebrijes.  This was a great way to share our premium resources, collaborating with teacher, providing a space and a place for students to be creative.  You can find the whole blog here------->BLOG

Number 2

Eagle's Nest Storytime! It is so important for a librarian to understand their community.  My past community had a handful of new or soon to be young parents.  I took this opportunity to create a practice storytime.  We talked about how to read with their child, where to find resources and ways to pick books.  We also sang songs and did practice crafts.

Number 3

Viral Ghost Programming.  Anytime I can get staff involved and students- I am for it.  Even better.. the LAUGHS that were had.   You can find the whole blog HERE------>BLOG

I don't know what this next year will bring.  I know I am nervous- but I also know that my word this next year is Adventure!

Monday, March 18, 2024

National Library Week, Texas Library Association Conference, and Eagle's Nest Oh My!

 It might be the middle of March, but I am already looking at my calendar and thinking about ALL the different things that are on my to-do list for the next two and a half months.

Like many of us, I have lots on that list!

First Up:

National Library Week

Working in a High School I am always looking for different ways to engage the students and staff. I am doing some repeats from the last couple of years, but I also have a few new things up my sleeve. You can find lots of ideas and information from the ALA Website I took some of their days and created my own.

You can find the CANVA TEMPLATE HERE--------->

Library Week 2024 by akbusybee

Since the 8th the theme is Right to Read and also Total Solar Eclipse- I am going to have an easy bookmark for students to make.  Our area is in the path of totality.

Materials Needed:
-Yellow Paper

Tuesday- National Library Worker Day- The Cardwell Library is stuck on our staff and students so I will have free water bottle stickers for people that stop by.
Wednesday- Library Outreach- I will be passing out free books and bookmarks
Thursday- Take Action for Libraries- I am going to invite people to write something they are thankful for on Post it Notes
Friday- I am going to do a Bookface Friday

Now- I hope that people participate, but I also know it is a hit or miss.  Most importantly- I have discovered that the more consistent that I am the more participation there is. 

With the end of National Library Week I have a Destination ImagiNation team going to state.. and then I roll into the Texas Library Association Conference

Texas Library Association Conference
I have already planned out a tentative schedule ready to go, but there are SO many amazing sessions!
I am pretty excited that I also get to share on Tuesday morning for Beyond the Books: Community-Driven Secondary Library Programming.  I am also working on setting up a modified Book Basket Exchange.  I know when we go to conferences we get a ton of new books, but the idea behind the book exchange is each person brings their favorite read from the last year, a bookmark that goes with it along with a small trinket.  Are you going to TLA and interested in participating?  Fill out the form here--->

Are you attending TLA? What sessions are you looking forward to? One of my favorite part of any conference is learning from others, meeting people that you have connected with through social media, and recharging yourself.

Right after TLA is the North Texas Teen Book Festival.  Another favorite day of mine! If you have not heard of NTTBF- be sure to check out this free event.

The Eagle's Nest
One of the things I love about being a librarian is working with all different students.  As the years have gone by the students have changed along with their needs.  In my current role, I have a handful of students that are either parents or soon to be parents.  Reading is such an important skill and we all know that reading starts young and at home.  I have created The Eagle's Nest as a monthly story time for these new parents. 
During this time I have stuffed animals that we use as the children.  We talk about how to interact with your child, how to pick out books, and how to read to your child.  I also share the resources that our district has along with the resources that Irving Public Library has.  During this time we also do a practice story time.  The last one we had was all about spring.  During the story time we did a song, read a book, practiced reading a book and also a hand print craft.  I sent home with each student a kit for their own handprint craft, a book and also a print out of the song and how to choose books.

I held the first two during the school day, but plan to hold the next one after school so the students can bring their kiddos with them.  I am also so happy that I did the practice handprint craft, because I forget that we need to teach all the things.  The next week I had one of the students share a video of her doing the handprint craft with her 8 month old. 

I can't wait to see this program grow!

What are some of your favorite programs?  What are you most excited about this spring semester?

I know this blog was chock full of information, and my days are going to continue to stay long!  Did I mention that this is only April?

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Read Across America Week- High School

It has been a minute since I have had a chance to share what is going on in the library.  January tends to always be such a wash (and we had some crazy weather) and in February I live and breathe Destination ImagiNation.  

But- if you are looking at a calendar you know that the first week of March is Read Across America Week. 

Being in High School Read Across America Week looks a little different (and participation always varies) Each day I have a different activity that students can do- BUT.. this time I have added in prizes!  

Prizes- chips/candy bars/possibly a soda- High schoolers love food.. and we have some good sales going on right now at my local store.

Ways students can get their name in the drawing:
-check out an eBook or Audiobook- all of our students have devices- so all they have to do is show me what they borrowed
-check out a physical book
-enter into the Bookmark Contest
-come to my Hot Chocolate Storytime 
-leave a review of any book

Each day I am posting on social media about Read Across America Week. You can find my daily posts here-----> CANVA LINK (thanks Canva!)


RAA24 by akbusybee

I also have a bookmark contest going on and you can find the Template for that here

RAA24 Bookmark contest by akbusybee

One more treat:
Last month we had Shannon McClintock Miller come to our library meeting and of course, I got SO many ideas!! I have started doing a monthly choice board that shares our resources.
Here is my March board- you can make a copy here------>

This is one of my slides on my TV that is outside the library and also printed and on my circulation desk.  

 I am always looking for ways to connect with my students and share our premium resources and reading.  My next blog is about the new program I just started- The Eagle's Nest.

What do you do for Read Across America Week? I am now also a Student Council Sponsor and next year I think I am going to have my kids help plan some dress-up days for Read Across America Week (if you are in high school... you know how much they love a reason to wear pajamas!)